Sometimes we need to count how many lines are there in a file. This could be easy if we only have to count all of the line/records in the file. But, we might need to count only records containing a certain string. We can do this with the DOS findstr and find command.
The syntax of the findstr command is
findstr "certain string" file.txt
Above is the simplest syntax to use findstr. You can see the full options list by typing /?. You can use /N to display also the line number in front of each line. You can use the /C command to search for contiguous string that contains space character. At the example above, the findstr will find every line that contain "search" or "string" in file.txt. If you use /C:"certain string", the findstr will find "certain string" in the file. You can also pipe the output to another command or redirect the output to another file.
I was once asked to count the number of records in a file of which transaction record is 200, the amount is zero, etc. Because the file is large, doing it manually will be tedious. Here's the findstr command form that I use.
findstr " 200 " file.txt | findstr /N " 0.00 " > out.txt
At the command above, I first search for the lines containing the string " 200 ", then I redirect the output to another findstr command that will search lines containing " 0.00 ". So, all the commands do is searching for lines that contain both " 200 " and " 0.00 ". In the end, the output is redirected to the out.txt file. Which after that, I can open out.txt to check for the result. With the /N option, the lines in out.txt will have line number.
I redirect the output to a file so that I can check and process further the output for another purpose. If you're sure all of the output lines are the line you want, you can pipe the output from findstr command to the find command by using the option /C.
findstr " 200 " file.txt | findstr " 0.00 " | find /C "200"
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