Change Blog Favicon

a Favicon is a small graphic associated with a website. Most graphical browser will make use of it. The favicon of the website will appear beside the url and in a multitabbed browser, the favicon will appear beside each of the tab title.

By default, a blog in blogger have a favicon like this , but you can change this to any other image that you want. There are websites that offer you some ready to use ico filesiconj is one of them. You can either go the websites, and choose the one that they offer or create a new one by your own. if you choose to create a new one, you must create a new image file (it could be gif, png) of which size is 16x16 or 32x32 the larger the file, the longer it takes to load it. Then you need to find a place to host the image, so it could be accessed from the internet.

If you're done using whatever way (choosing an existing one or creating a new one) the next thing you need to do is to edit the template code of your blog.

First go to the Layout > Edit HTML. You need to add some code to the area between the but after the section. To make it simple just find the line with "]]></b:skin>" and add the following code right after it

<!-- custom favicon code -->
<link href="" rel="shortcut icon" type="image/x-icon">
<link href="" rel="icon" type="image/gif">
<!-- end of custom favicon code -->

Remember to change the href='' part to the url of your ico file location.

